# cd /usr/ports/filesystems/dsbmd/ && make install clean # 这是守护进程
# cd /usr/ports/filesystems/dsbmc-cli/ && make install clean # 命令行客户端
# cd /usr/ports/filesystems/dsbmc/ && make install clean # QT 界面客户端
打开主窗口,preferences-> general settings, 勾选 automatically mount devices 以使用自动挂载
插入 U 盘后,会在桌面提示:
默认挂载在 /media/ 下面,属主为客户端用户。
xfce 自动启动
% dsbmc-cli -h
-L <event> <command> [arg ...] ; Listen for <event>, and execute <command> every
time the event is received. Possible events are
mount, unmount, add, and remove.
-U <time> Auto-unmount. Try to unmount automounted de-
vices every <time> seconds.
-a [-L ...] Automount. Wait for devices added to the sys-
tem, and mount them.
-b dev1,dev2,... Define a comma-separated list of devices
and/or volume labels to ignore if the -a option
is given. Volume labels must be prefixed by
-e <device> Eject <device>
-e <mount point> Eject the device mounted on <mount point>
-f Force operation even if device is busy.
-i <disk image> Create a memory disk to access the given image.
-l List available devices supported by DSBMD.
-m <device> Mount <device>
-s <device> Query storage capacity of <device>
-u <device> Unmount <device>
-u <mount point> Unmount <device> mounted on <mount point>
-v <speed> <device> Set reading <speed> of the CD/DVD <device>
# allow_users - Comma separated list of users who are allowed to connect.
# allow_users = jondoe, janedoe
# allow_groups - Comma separated list of groups whose members are allowed
# to connect.
allow_groups = operator, wheel